cUrl error (*28): Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 out of -1 bytes received
100 Years After Tulsa, We Remember: Chronicling 10 Race Massacres In America | BIN: Black Information Network ▶43:21・
100 Years After Tulsa, We Remember: Chronicling 10 Race Massacres In America | BIN: Black Information Network ▶2:41・
Racists Destroy California Monolith, Proclaim Christ Superior to Aliens ▶6:17・
Racists Destroy California Monolith, Proclaim Christ Superior to Aliens ▶3:10・
The Downfall Of Allensworth: How Racism And Lies Destroyed A Black Town In California ▶0:34・
The Downfall Of Allensworth: How Racism And Lies Destroyed A Black Town In California ▶13:28・
Tulsa Race Massacre, 100 years later: Why it happened and why it's still relevant today ▶9:19・
Tulsa Race Massacre, 100 years later: Why it happened and why it's still relevant today ▶2:01・
Fight racism | United Nations ▶4:22・
Dad charged and fired from job after racist tirade posted on TikTok l ABC7 ▶1:58・
Dad charged and fired from job after racist tirade posted on TikTok l ABC7 ▶1:18・
A Very Abbreviated History of the Destruction of Black Neighborhoods ▶1:59・
A Very Abbreviated History of the Destruction of Black Neighborhoods ▶3:20・
INSTANT KARMA: Racists F Around & Find Out ▶1:20・
Community protests after man's racist rant caught on video ▶21:50・
Community protests after man's racist rant caught on video ▶5:59・
イギリスで人種差別に抗議続く、奴隷商人の銅像を引きずり下ろし - BBCニュース ▶13:57・
イギリスで人種差別に抗議続く、奴隷商人の銅像を引きずり下ろし - BBCニュース ▶1:00・
TOXIC Hitscan Player Salty After Getting DESTROYED (Overwatch Competitive Toxicity) ▶2:17・
TOXIC Hitscan Player Salty After Getting DESTROYED (Overwatch Competitive Toxicity) ▶10:17・
Homeowner Fights Neighbors off His Yard With a Garden Hose | Neighborhood Wars | A&E ▶10:23・
Homeowner Fights Neighbors off His Yard With a Garden Hose | Neighborhood Wars | A&E ▶11:37・
How Tulsa's Black Wall Street is faring during the pandemic ▶11:56・
London: Man disrupts Black Lives Matter demo, kicks away protest signs at Churchill statue ▶10:10・
London: Man disrupts Black Lives Matter demo, kicks away protest signs at Churchill statue ▶11:06・
Watch the Stupid Belief of White Supremacy Destroyed in Under a Minute ▶2:21・
Watch the Stupid Belief of White Supremacy Destroyed in Under a Minute ▶3:17・
The GOP is Racist ▶6:11・
Racist Male-Karen Starts A Fight He Can't Finish ▶2:37・
I went undercover with a militia on the US-Mexico border. Here’s what I saw. ▶9:00・
I went undercover with a militia on the US-Mexico border. Here’s what I saw. ▶8:21・
Top 10 Bullies Who Got INSTANT KARMA! ▶8:21・
Analysis | Racial attitudes shifted over the past decade, leaving the two parties further apart than ever ▶11:24・
Analysis | Racial attitudes shifted over the past decade, leaving the two parties further apart than ever ▶0:46・
Black Racists Get DESTROYED By Islamic Senpai | They Got A Taste Of Their Own Medicine *islamophobia ▶12:31・
Black Racists Get DESTROYED By Islamic Senpai | They Got A Taste Of Their Own Medicine *islamophobia ▶8:27・
Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after this.. *4 ▶5:52・
'Abraham Lincoln here': Joe Biden calls President Donald Trump racist ▶8:36・
'Abraham Lincoln here': Joe Biden calls President Donald Trump racist ▶1:03:52・
Cincinnati Police Officer's Racist Outburst Caught On Camera ▶3:32・
Cincinnati Police Officer's Racist Outburst Caught On Camera ▶9:09・
Delusional Woke People Getting OWNED! *2 ▶14:49・
WATCH: Racist Karen Mutates Into Violent Variant, Gets Clocked Anyway ▶0:20・
WATCH: Racist Karen Mutates Into Violent Variant, Gets Clocked Anyway ▶13:24・
Racist people! *racist *stopbeingracist *fyp *stopracism *bebetter *discriminationawareness ▶1:08・
Racist people! *racist *stopbeingracist *fyp *stopracism *bebetter *discriminationawareness ▶2:33・
Biden UNLEASHES during SPOOKY Orwellian speech slamming 'MAGA forces': Ryan & Emily ▶6:31・
Biden UNLEASHES during SPOOKY Orwellian speech slamming 'MAGA forces': Ryan & Emily ▶30:13・
FUNNIEST OMEGLE EVER😂| Racists Destroyed In Seconds😈 ▶4:28・
Racist idiot gets destroyed & triggered by a soundboard in Modern Warfare! ▶10:43・
Racist idiot gets destroyed & triggered by a soundboard in Modern Warfare! ▶2:48・
Streets of war-torn Bucha are littered with destroyed Russian tanks ▶1:35・
Streets of war-torn Bucha are littered with destroyed Russian tanks ▶0:37・
Dr Phil is Blown Away By Conservative (host K-von approves) ▶4:22・
Dr Phil is Blown Away By Conservative (host K-von approves) ▶2:33・
Shapiro SHREDS Leftist's Racist Claim ▶2:14・
Sadiq Khan denies ULEZ scheme expansion is part of 'war on motorists' ▶11:31・
Sadiq Khan denies ULEZ scheme expansion is part of 'war on motorists' ▶10:44・
A monumental reckoning ▶1:10・
Racist Gamer Girl Gets Destroyed (Extremely Toxic) ▶22:14・
Omegle... But I DESTROY Racist People ▶4:03・
David Lucas ROASTS Angry Karen and Kicks Her Out ▶13:51・
That BBC Changed Her Life: Racist Woman Gets Exposed By Her Husband For Sleeping With Black Men! ▶0:44・
That BBC Changed Her Life: Racist Woman Gets Exposed By Her Husband For Sleeping With Black Men! ▶14:32・
TRIGGERED OLD RACISTS DESTROYED on Call of Duty Modern Warfare!! ▶10:22・
TRIGGERED OLD RACISTS DESTROYED on Call of Duty Modern Warfare!! ▶13:24・
Chechen volunteer soldiers destroy Russian truck from ambush. VIDEO ▶0:44・
Chechen volunteer soldiers destroy Russian truck from ambush. VIDEO ▶2:30・
Arab ROASTS Racist people on Omegle! ▶5:28・
BO3 IDIOTS DESTROYED! - You're a sheep f*cker! ▶0:53・
Intellivision Amico destroyed by Kotaku in latest article ▶4:18・
FUNNIEST OMEGLE EVER 😂 | Racists Destroyed In Seconds 😈 ▶15:28・
Entire Team of Racists vs PREY (Extremely TOXIC) ▶5:58・
Why America can't escape its racist roots ▶11:17・
Millionaire destroyed Women Racists 😳*jwaller *justinwaller *jwaller7 *race *racism *viral ▶0:55・
Millionaire destroyed Women Racists 😳*jwaller *justinwaller *jwaller7 *race *racism *viral ▶1:40・
Sangita takes aim at ‘the racists who tried to wreck Armistice Day’ | LBC ▶1:52・
Sangita takes aim at ‘the racists who tried to wreck Armistice Day’ | LBC ▶15:56・
Destroyed in Seconds - Weapons Unleashed ▶15:22・
RACIST RANT: Woman charged with ethnic intimidation after rant at pizzeria ▶2:49・
RACIST RANT: Woman charged with ethnic intimidation after rant at pizzeria ▶4:17・
How to End Racism | Dolores Huerta | TEDxOakland ▶3:15・
Racist Streamer Gets Slammed On MW19 ▶6:39・
Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after this.. *2 ▶3:08・
イラン抗議デモは「アメリカとイスラエルが仕組んだ」 最高指導者が非難 - BBCニュース ▶1:47・
イラン抗議デモは「アメリカとイスラエルが仕組んだ」 最高指導者が非難 - BBCニュース ▶1:14・
More than 87,000 racist incidents recorded in schools ▶1:08・
人種差別集団を怒りの銃弾で皆殺し!禁断の問題作/映画『KKKをぶっ飛ばせ!』予告編 ▶1:00・
人種差別集団を怒りの銃弾で皆殺し!禁断の問題作/映画『KKKをぶっ飛ばせ!』予告編 ▶・
Dick Durbin Gets DESTROYED By Josh Hawley Over His Islamophobia Comments ▶・
Dick Durbin Gets DESTROYED By Josh Hawley Over His Islamophobia Comments ▶・
The KKK vs. the Crips vs. Memphis City Council (Part 4/4) ▶・
Beating Up On A Team Of RACISTS.. ▶・
Woke judge DESTROYED for calling the court system RACIST! ▶・
Woke judge DESTROYED for calling the court system RACIST! ▶・
Alarming increase in racist and White Supremacist events across Connecticut ▶・
Alarming increase in racist and White Supremacist events across Connecticut ▶・
Мариуполь сегодня. 05.04.2022. Видео Радио Свобода и Reuters ▶・
Мариуполь сегодня. 05.04.2022. Видео Радио Свобода и Reuters ▶・
米・ウィスコンシンで黒人差別抗議デモ参加者3人死傷発砲事件、白人男性に無罪評決 ▶・
米・ウィスコンシンで黒人差別抗議デモ参加者3人死傷発砲事件、白人男性に無罪評決 ▶・
IS「首都」の奪還 戦闘員撤退めぐる裏取引が明らかに ▶・
若者が遺体回収ボランティア イラク・モスル IS撤退から9カ月 ▶・
【BBC】 南部の犠牲の象徴か人種差別の象徴か 旗撤去の議論 ▶・
Beating Racists In Prisoner Rescue ▶・
What if white people led the charge to end racism? | Dwinita Mosby Tyler | TEDxMileHigh ▶・
What if white people led the charge to end racism? | Dwinita Mosby Tyler | TEDxMileHigh ▶・
「棒で殴られた以外は人道的」 解放の85歳女性、ハマスによる人質の扱いを語る ▶・
「棒で殴られた以外は人道的」 解放の85歳女性、ハマスによる人質の扱いを語る ▶・
When Racist Karens Realize They Are Going To Jail... ▶・
「どうやって勝てと?」 アメリカの黒人が怒る理由を「モノポリー」にたとえ ▶・
「どうやって勝てと?」 アメリカの黒人が怒る理由を「モノポリー」にたとえ ▶・
I Destroyed Racist Gamers with a Pistol ▶・
"Racist" assault on Muslim revellers in Oxford park ▶・
When Racist Karens Realize They’ve Been Arrested ▶・
Jürgen and Frankfurt and Johannesburg ▶・
Woke judge DESTROYED for calling the court system RACIST! ▶・
Woke judge DESTROYED for calling the court system RACIST! ▶・
Racist Rage Quits After Getting Destroyed on Modern Warfare ▶・
Disturbingly Racist Cartoons ▶・
We Destroyed VR Chat ▶・
イギリスでも連日抗議活動 国内の人種差別問題訴え(20/06/08) ▶・
【SDGs 2030年の世界へ】“差別抗議デモ”、黒人警察官の複雑な思い ▶・
【SDGs 2030年の世界へ】“差別抗議デモ”、黒人警察官の複雑な思い ▶・
「爆破する」米でアジア系狙ったヘイトクライム急増(20/07/11) ▶・
「爆破する」米でアジア系狙ったヘイトクライム急増(20/07/11) ▶・
Racist Woman Gets Hit With Instant Karma ▶・
人種差別撤廃ができなかった世界の裏事情【CGS ねずさん 日本の歴史 11-3】 ▶・
人種差別撤廃ができなかった世界の裏事情【CGS ねずさん 日本の歴史 11-3】 ▶・
Interracial Couple's Home Destroyed By Racist Vandals ▶・
Democrats Destroyed New York Once... They're Doing it Again - Daniel Greenfield *4858 ▶・
Democrats Destroyed New York Once... They're Doing it Again - Daniel Greenfield *4858 ▶・
“大戦中の日系人強制収容を謝罪”米・加州議会決議(20/02/21) ▶・
イランの抗議デモ、かつてない広がり 死者76人と人権団体 ▶・
Gaza's Al-Amin Muhammad Mosque Destroyed By Israeli Airstrikes ▶・
Gaza's Al-Amin Muhammad Mosque Destroyed By Israeli Airstrikes ▶・
I Interviewed the Most Racist Man in America… ▶・
構造的差別を突き詰めるとアメリカは崩壊必至...マルクス主義に代わる革命思想『批判人種理論』|奥山真司の地政学「アメリカ通信」 ▶・
構造的差別を突き詰めるとアメリカは崩壊必至...マルクス主義に代わる革命思想『批判人種理論』|奥山真司の地政学「アメリカ通信」 ▶・
奥山真司の地政学・リアリズム「アメリカ通信」 ▶・
Math = RACIST ▶・
Racist Cop Accidentally Arrest Black Police Captain. What Happens Next Will Shock You. ▶・
Racist Cop Accidentally Arrest Black Police Captain. What Happens Next Will Shock You. ▶・
Best Of The Amazing Racist ▶・
There's No Racist Like A Liberal Racist ▶・
人種差別抗議に参加しゴム弾が……片目失明確実という女性「後悔はない」 ▶・
人種差別抗議に参加しゴム弾が……片目失明確実という女性「後悔はない」 ▶・
Video shows racist assault on Boston train ▶・
ロサンゼルス暴動から30年 現在も残る人種差別に危惧(2022年4月30日) ▶・
ロサンゼルス暴動から30年 現在も残る人種差別に危惧(2022年4月30日) ▶・
10 Most Racist Moments In TV ▶・
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